In the months following the car crash and deaths of Cary’s parents, she often wondered if she had what it takes to go on. Had she been born with the fortitude to walk on in the face of total disaster? Without her family – her mom and dad – there was no one for Cary to turn to at this lowest point in her young life. Yet, as she thought of it, Cary realized there was but one way to go. The past can’t be changed, the present is ours to mold, and the future is what we make of it. She had to look forward.
Remembering her childhood, Cary came to realize how fortunate she had been. Kenneth and Alice Warren had continuously, and without flare, taught her right from wrong and good from evil – the basics of a moral life. She had a foundation to build on
Cary had yet to learn the gifts of character passed on to her by a woman who had died over twenty years ago. A letter left in a long-forgotten adoption file would lead Cary on a journey of discovery the young woman would never have thought of as being a part of her future.
In New Orleans, we begin to see Cary change as a result of the discoveries she makes regarding her birth mother. She is still learning as innate intelligence leads her to discover the details of her mother’s mysterious death.
Continue to follow Cary and watch the changes in her based on the experiences of life.