Webster – Episode #8©

Webster – Episode #8©

Looking back over my years at Franklin – Peterson Law Group, I was given an opportunity to put my life on a positive track. With help, I obtained an education and a degree that would take me farther than I ever imagined. When I look back to the early years when I first arrived in Washington, I realize how good life has been for me.

At Franklin – Peterson, I was fortunate to be exposed to some very interesting and prestigious individuals. One stands out – Raegene Dorian Doyle. He was friends with the founding partner at Franklin – Peterson and was around the office quite frequently.

Mr. Doyle and I seemed to hit it off almost immediately. Surprisingly, we had much in common and a number of shared interests.

Rage, as he asked me to call him, is a former CIA Agent, and though retired, is still called upon for his expertise from time to time. The stories he was allowed to share intrigued me. I started to think I would like that type of career. It was destined that Rage would become a mentor and one of my closest friends. With his help, encouragement, and trust in my abilities, I joined the U.S. Marshals Service.

It was there that I met Jack Robbins, my current boss, and close friend. I’ll tell you about some of my early assignments in my next blog.

Until then,
